Monday, January 26, 2009

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I will turn you away as easily as I turned you into me.

Today I woke up and looked out my window, blinded by a blanket of white. The new snow is covering up all of the indentations in the ice from feet scurrying about, so that for at least a few minutes, everything will be fresh. Virgin. New.
For a moment, I'm completely content. I'm amazed by this fact, that nature has its own way of setting things right, making things normal. For a moment I forget the 200 pages of reading I have to do this weekend or the weird ache in my left arm. I forget about the hole in my chest and the things I want to change about myself, and I'm just happy. I've been living the past few days for these moments, when I can just forget everything
and get lost in the enormity of the moment. Maybe eventually the happiness from moments like this will bleed into the rest of my day.
I saw Synecdoche, NY last night with some amazing friends, and it got me thinking a lot about my motivations for changing things in my own life. Someday, I'm going to die, and I may not have a legacy, I may not have important work to make me immortal. I just want to have a pleasant journey and do something very important that I can share with myself and others. Maybe I should stop staring at the snow and focus on picking myself up and living my life.